Sunday, November 30, 2008

What the h-e-double Hockey Sticks?

Ya know, if I can take a backwoods Illinois-by-way-of-Arkansas lassie and a couple of her native Texan boys and teach 'em to play roller hockey, than I ought to be able to do just about anything. Pictured at right are my favorite skaters in the whole wide world. Ya just have to see it to believe it. Kevin skates like a fiend in the corners (and his brother had a black eye to prove it), Justin's mastering the fine art of passing, and Mom can stop on a dime -- once she runs into the end boards, and lets out a giggle like Betty Rubble. Fun for the whole family!


lreaves said...

Wow, I didn't know we were your favorite skaters! I'll have to mention that to the Red Wings. Maybe their looking for some rookies?

sue said...

wow what a team. such for me, the MOM, I am mentioned with the White Album...someone is kissing up for Christmas...