Friday, November 7, 2008

Guitar Hero

Justin is just the kid with an axe to grind. All he needed was a place to show off his, er, chops, and today he got it. The assignment was to do a presentation for the class, that would express their interpretation of the story, "Frankenstein." His progressive AP English teacher allowed him to bring in his guitar, amp, and buddies -- in all, a classic four-piece rock band, to play their version of "Bark At The Moon." They got their act in gear, and brought their gear, for a very loud and noisy, impromptu performance, with only a little, tiny bit of rehearsal. The video should do all the talking. (It was taken from a crude cell phone camera, so, be warned.) Now, together, everybody... Hoooooowwwwwllll!

1 comment:

lreaves said...

so cool! Thank you Dave for taking your class to Ms. Tiller's room and making this happen! Hat's off to Ms. Tiller too for letting the boys make their noise.