Sunday, November 9, 2008

Little Boy Blew

"Oh, no," I thought. Kevin was standing in the audience with a few other band members, holding just a drum stick. I was concerned because the rest of the Symphonic Band was taking the stage. Was Kevin not selected to perform? Did he... gasp, misbehave? Was he trying to make some statement by holding up a stick?

It turns out that my worries were for nought. After the opening notes of their first piece, Kevin and the others joined the band on stage. The band director of the region's top middle school musicians explained that the very select group of twelve kids spread around the audience were hand-picked by her because of their alert-ness, focus, and because they were remarkably on-task.

Huh? Was she talking about our Kevin? Yeah, who knew?

But there he was, up there playing with all the very best students from the many schools in our region. He was in the Region Symphonic Band. While they were playing, I looked over at his mom. She was doing that goofy smile she does when she's proud of her boys. Ya done good, Kev.

1 comment:

sue said...

what a special can still amaze us and make us proud. must be doing something right. pat yourselves on the back because even when they seem to NOT be listening it is sinking in. Pride is what we get for seeing the job to the end! love ya, MOM