Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Beatles Are Coming!

Number nine, number nine, number nine...

On 9/9/09, we'll get the new Beatles remastered CDs. They're pricey. So what? If you haven't heard, you've been hiding out like bin Laden (I'll bet that even he's buying them!), but this has been a looong time coming. The old 1987 CDs leave much to be desired, sonically, and the new discs take full advantage of the latest technology. I won't bore you with details about how it was done (that's just for us nerds), so, just go buy 'em when they come out, ok? I just read a bunch of new hype, and I'm all giddy. See the links below, and the video above.

I already ordered my mono box set online, because it'll be harder to get, I think. (If you don't know about mono, all the songs are different from the stereo, and what's more, the Beatles themselves mixed the mono versions, as they wanted them, way back in the 60s!)

Yeah, mom, I'm buying them all -- again!

1 comment:

sue said...

I thought I heard a loud ca-ching from down your way! I heard about all this but not being as nerdy as you I didn't know how to get hold of any of this . actually I read it somewhere. I was excited for you cause I knew you were well aware of it!!! first on the block again kiddo.