Sunday, October 5, 2008

Is Your Roof Most Like A Staircase?

"Some of the strongest winds are being found along the west end of Galveston Bay in locations such as Clear Lake, Kemah, Seabrook, Shoreacres, and La Porte where winds are in the 85 to 105 mph range." (From the weather channel.)

After Hurricane Ike huffed and puffed and didn't blow my house down -- but sure the heck did rip my fence apart, along with a few roofing shingles, and spread some neighbors trees around, I called my insurance company. As part of their 10 minute survey (after 45 minutes of beautiful muzak), the agent asked me the above question. I paused. "Er, excuse me?," I mumbled. She repeated her question. Then she followed with "How steep is your roof?" Getting her explanation, I said, "Oh, I see. Um, not steep." What I was thinking but didn't say was "Not as steep as my insurance premium." I wondered how I could phrase that question in a way she'd understand. How about "Are your rates most like the Iraqi war? You know, always escalating when you least expect it, and with no end in sight?"

But I didn't do that. I was very fortunate, living close to the water, and with a predicted 20 foot storm surge that didn't come my way, after all. For that, I am thankful. My fence is tacked up for now (thanks Justin and Kevin, for your fine hammering skills), and soon to be replaced. The cats are happy to run in the backyard. And I can post right here on the blog. (Ptewie! Still hate that word...) What could be better?

1 comment:

Sheryl Lynn said...


You've been tagged in a meme! Your task is to list 6 unspectacular things about yourself, then tag 6 other bloggers in the game.

You can read my list on WordProverb at

Have fun!