Monday, October 27, 2008

The Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself

The McCain Campaign has accused Barrack Obama of palling around with terrorists. They've implied that he's connected to voter registration fraud. Some lunatic from Texas, working for McCain's campaign, filed a false assault charge on a a big black man, who she said carved a "B" on her face and beat her because she had a McCain sticker on her car. Then he robbed her at an ATM. Never mind that the idiot woman carved the letter backward, as she saw it in a mirror, that there was no transaction at the ATM, or that her story kept changing, or that it wasn't the first time she's done such a stunt. None of the truth could stop the Pennsylvania McCain communications director from issuing a statement to the press, one that embellished on an already fake story. Or Matt Drudge from putting in a large red font at the top of his website, before he knew the truth.

McCain's nut-jobs on the campaign trail freely shout "Kill Him!" and "Terrorist," say they know he's an Arab, and carry a toy monkey with the word Obama stuck on it.

A so-called Christian preacher man spoke before a Palin appearance and told his God to step up and do the right thing in this election, because he is bigger than the Hindu god or the Muslim god, that somehow want to bring this great country down.

Rush Limbaugh claims that Colin Powell's decision to endorse Obama was about race. He shouted it on his radio show.

A man in Missouri has placed a sign on his property along a major highway depicting Obama in a turban.

Now, someone has placed letters in Wisconsin mailboxes, claiming to be an official message from Obama, himself. Except it isn't. How sad it is that some frightened racist has to stir up more fear, with words like "Change means... BLACK!" and pretend it's Obama's decree.

Yet, right here in Houston, early voting is double what it was 4 years ago. One of the ways to make sure our votes aren't stolen this time, is to vote early. I voted on Friday. I had to wait about ten minutes. I'm told that waiting in line for early voting is a new event. (If you doubt that votes are not counted, that voters are disenfranchised, and that real voter fraud takes place -- on behalf of the Republican Party, then you really haven't been paying attention. There are several books and a few documentaries on the subject that don't get a lot of attention, but it's out there. You can start by reading "Block The Vote," available here as a pdf download, from the current RollingStone magazine.)

Mudslinging is almost expected around election time, but this time, it's really ugly. I think most Americans are sick and tired of this era of worse-than-ever "politics as usual." Vote. Take your voter registration card and an ID. Get to the polls early.

How did Dubya put it? "Fool me once... Can't get fooled again."

(Be sure to click on all the linked stories above.)

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